Draft Law of Ukraine «The Principles of Public Policy of Transition Period» at the Crossroads of Information and Political Processes
law; transition period; Minsk agreements; deoccupation; reintegration; Donbass; Ukraine; Russia; mass-mediaAbstract
The article presents a discourse-analysis a set documents which have different origins are related to policy-making the conflict resolution and the restoration of peace in eastern Ukraine. The focus of the analysis is the Ukraine draft law "The principles public policy in transition", which has approved by the Cabinet of Ministers of Ukraine and currently has registered in parliament. The framework of the analysis is based on media reports, which have formed the communication of this document, and the currently signed political agreements on the settlement of the conflict with the participation of Ukraine and Russia.
The myth of "non-compliance with the Minsk agreements" which is spread in the Russian and pro-Russian media is more common message than another media-reports. It has been proved that this myth is derived from the strategic myth of "the non-alternative nature of the Minsk agreements as a peaceful settlement of the conflict in Donbas." Dissemination of media-reports about ignoring or inconsistency the draft text law on the transition period with the Minsk agreements is aimed to discrediting the efforts of the Ukrainian authorities to offer alternatives the conflict resolutions in Donbas or to expand the negotiations operational field under the Minsk agreements. The production and promotion of opposing myths is a sign of the willingness of both sides the conflict to continue the struggle in both the information and political spaces. As a result, it undermines the potential of negotiations, adds arguments in favor of unilateral action or forceful resolution of the conflict, increases the polarization in Ukrainian society, which is forced to decide between the extreme options in choosing a public policy to «ORDLO» (temporarily occupied territories of Ukraine).
The draft law on the transition period reflects the public sentiment is characteristic of the acute phase of the conflict, with a low level of willingness to compromise and awareness of the usefulness of the negotiation process.
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