The Use of Crowdsourcing Technologies in Public City Management


  • L. O. Nikitenko Донецький національний університет імені Василя Стуса



crowdsourcing; crowdsourcing technologies; participatory democracy; public administration; city; community (residents) of the city; local government; local self-government


The article is devoted to elucidating the peculiarities of the use of crowdsourcing technologies in public city management.
The relevance of the application of crowdsourcing in public administration is substantiated. It is emphasized that in the current conditions of digitalization, especially during the reform of decentralization of power, the Ukrainian city is becoming a platform for the implementation of crowdsourcing technologies.
It was found that the primary task of using crowdsourcing technologies at the city level is to test the viability of ideas embedded in the city’s development strategy. It is determined that the discussion of ideas takes place both in the voting mode and in the form of gathering specific opinions and finding solutions. An important factor in the active participation of citizens in addressing urban development is the motivation for their participation, and the role of local governments in this process is to create such motivating factors so that city residents can understand them and see their real contribution.
The state of use of crowdsourcing technologies in public administration of Ukrainian cities is analyzed. The author uses the examples of different cities to prove that crowdsourcing technologies are in demand today in solving issues of local importance. Particular attention is paid to the use of crowdsourcing in public management of the progressive city of Vinnitsa in this aspect.
Based on the analysis of the advantages and disadvantages of using crowdsourcing technologies in public city management, the prevalence of advantages is emphasized. The article concludes that it is justified to further support the use of these technologies by local governments in order to achieve closer cooperation with the community, to develop joint effective solutions. Emphasis is placed on the importance of systematic analysis of the concept of crowdsourcing and the principles of its use at the expert level and clear formalization in regulations.


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