The Phenomenon of Power in International Relations Through the Prism of Asymmetry


  • I. P. Derevianko Національний авіаційний університет



power; asymmetry; international relations; power; resources


The article reveals the theoretical problem field of the concept of power, which is considered as an asymmetric format of relations between the main participants in international cooperation. The etymology of the concept of "power" is revealed, its semantic load is clarified, on the basis of this it can be stated that the semantics of the word "power" is far ambiguous and extremely variable. The term power is used in a variety of meanings and is often classified according to its scope. In political science, power is the basic concept of international relations, which provides the key to understanding the phenomena and processes in the international arena. Fundamental approaches to understanding the content of the concept of power are analyzed. The presence of a large number of approaches that outline various aspects of power, due to the complexity of the phenomenon of domination. Power as a manifestation of asymmetry remains the fundamental basis of interstate relations, but the lack of a clear terminological definition of power asymmetry determines the fragmentary nature of existing methods of its evaluation. The defining guideline for determining the nature of power in international relations is asymmetry. It is noted that the basis on which power arises is the asymmetry in the distribution of resources between interacting actors. That is, for the emergence of power relations, it is necessary that there is an asymmetry, inequality of actors in access to resources of power, their uneven distribution, which indicates a stable asymmetry inherent in power. It was found that not every relationship can be interpreted as authoritarian, the relationship must be asymmetric, only in this case, power becomes a reality. It is substantiated that the fundamental nature of power in international relations has not undergone structural changes for a long time. It can be viewed through the prism of asymmetric relations, which are characteristic of all periods of human civilization.


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