Stages of Formation of the Concept "Political Network"


  • S. V. Savoyska Міжрегіональна академія управління персоналом




The stages of formation of the concept of "political network", which, according to many researchers, has long existed in various forms and meanings, are studied. In our case, the political network is seen not only as a concept, but also as a structural institution and an integral part of the model of language policy, which, among other things, unites institutions and institutions. It is noted that the influence of traditional and new institutionalisms, the latter of which was formed in the postmodern era, on the formation of the network and interconnection interactions of the model is different at least because these phenomena combine individual, group and mass forms, objective and subjective factors. which determine the nature, boundaries and direction of political action. We draw attention to the traditional institutionalism on the basis of which the Soviet political network of language policy model was formed, as it destructively influenced the interaction with another political network that operated underground in Soviet Ukraine on the basis of national democratic political forces. We study this interaction on the basis of the activities of the Sixties and dissidents who, under Soviet rule, defended the right to cultural autonomy, independent development, the use of the Ukrainian language, and the development of culture. We emphasize that it was during the Soviet era that the foundations were laid for the formation, on the one hand, of a pro-Ukrainian and, on the other, of a pro-Russian political network. The pro-Ukrainian political network is formed on the basis of national democratic institutions, and the pro-Russian – on the basis of "left" political forces, the basis of which in Soviet times were communists, and in independent Ukraine – socialists, renewed social democrats, new communists, centrists and others. Such a linguistic and political situation requires: coordination of the positions of different policy actors, which should formulate a common goal and objectives, develop rules and norms of interaction based on the requirements of voluntariness, equality and autonomy; concluding agreements that will ensure openness and transparency of political networks within the language policy model.
It is substantiated that modern political networks are formed on the basis of information and communication centers, which create a space for network interactions to prevent and solve problems, including linguistic and political ones. They are an important part of the language policy model, as some combine formal and informal constructive or destructive institutions. For example, if Russian slavophiles in the XIX century. dreamed of uniting the Slavs around the Russian language and culture, the Cyril and Methodius – the equality of participants in the Slavic union, the independence of each tribe after unification, as well as popular rule. That is, the basis of the political network of language policy models Cyril and Methodius, which existed semi-legally, put Ukrainian culture, communication and freedom, when each nation had the right to create their own literature and culture, to use their native language freely, the Russian Slavophiles tried to to unite around the n language and culture. It has been found that their wish remains valid today. Only the names of parties, organizations, societies, etc. have changed. institutions that are the basis for the formation of modern political networks model language policy.


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Політична культура та ідеологія