Political PR-technologies as a Tool for Formation of Political Consciousness
political PR; political communications; political PR-technologies; information; informational influence; political consciousness; manipulation of mass consciousnessAbstract
The article is devoted to the topical problem of development and implementation of political PR-technologies as an important element that organizes modern political processes. The article also reveals the essence of political publics, relations and political PR-technologies and their influence on the political consciousness and the possibility of its formation.
The article outlines the evolution, main categories and concepts of political public relations (PR). Attention is paid to the substantiation of modern theoretical and methodological approaches to the study of the role of political PR-technologies in political processes. The current problems of public relations in modern scientific research are analyzed.
It has been established that political PR is a tool for effective management of the electoral process and a means of forming political consciousness and (or) manipulating public opinion. It is determined that political PR is a significant component of management, the core of the electoral process. In general, the use of PR technologies in politics are technologies that allow the consumer to form a common opinion about a particular political party or political leader.
The article is aimed at studying the influence of political technologies on the political consciousness of citizens. Today, political technology is precisely the tool with which to ensure political stability or to shake the political system of society. It has been proven that the object of influence of political PR technologies is people, and it is their political consciousness.
The article presents the definition of political PR-technologies, establishes common and distinctive features of political PR-technologies with such communication technologies as propaganda, advertising. Special attention is paid to the distinction between the concepts of "political PR-technologies", "political propaganda", "political advertising".
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