Donbass as an Object of de-Ukrainization of the Adherents of the «Russian World»


  • O. O. Poplavskyi Дніпровський державний аграрно-економічний університет
  • D. R. Shchepova Дніпровський державний аграрно-економічний університет



hybrid war; de-Ukrainization; identity; visual propaganda; ideological occupation


The purpose of the article is to try to understand the phenomenon of the ideological component of Russian hybrid aggression, to investigate how an alternative reality is formed in the occupied territories, built by the Kremlin whose main goal is the total Ukrainization of the region. of Donetsk and Luhansk regions through various sources. An important role in shaping the anti-Ukrainian identity of the population of the occupied Donbass was given to visual propaganda. The ideological treatment of the population of the «people's republics» is based on a centralized system of information space management. The authors note that the focus of both Russian and local political technologists and power structures of the «people's republics» remains the promotion of the concept of «special Donbass identity», the use of prepared facts of events, which contributes to further de-Ukrainization of the region. Instead of the history of Ukraine, the so-called «history of the Motherland» has appeared in the educational institutions of the «people's republics», in which the history of the region is combined with the history of Russia. A new educational subject has appeared in the curricula of educational institutions – «lessons of citizenship of Donbass». The content of this course is based on the narratives of Russian propaganda and aims to deprive children and young people of historical memory. There is an integration with the Russian educational space. Conclusions: Thus, the information and propaganda component of the conflict in Donbass is one of the most important tools for leveling the all-Ukrainian identity in this region. The ideological occupation of Donbass is carried out, first of all, through the promotion of the idea of non-Ukrainian identity of the population of the region. Practical meaning: the main provisions can be used to study the history of the occupation of the Donbass region. Originality: features of the hybrid Russian-Ukrainian war, namely its virtual component is covered. Scientific novelty: for the first time an attempt was made to conduct a comprehensive study of the ideological occupation of Donbass by Russia.


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