State Consolidation Policy of Ukraine in the Conditions of Transformation Crisis
state consolidation policy; value dimension of consolidation; transformation crisis; civic and political values of society consolidationAbstract
The article attempts to substantiate the expediency and practical significance of forming a comprehensive multilevel state consolidation policy of Ukraine based on unifying all groups of society civic and political values.
The proposed conclusions and indicators of consolidation of society are part of the author’s model of formation and adjustment the policy of consolidation of the state in systemic crisis in Ukraine. Theoretical considerations are based on scientific texts and studies of the Institute of Sociology of the National Academy of Sciences of Ukraine, the Institute of Political and Ethnonational Studies of the National Academy of Sciences of Ukraine by I.F. Kuras, materials of opinion polls. It is determined that the perspective of development of the Ukrainian society consists in the complex state program and activity of civil sector in the context to achieve internal and external consolidation. It grounded that the Ukrainian case of the transit of democracy demonstrates the systemic problems of economic, institutional, political, social, security areas of state development, which acquire signs of constant transformation and flow from one plane to another. It is stated that among several approaches to the interpretation of the category of "consolidation", its functional significance lies in the ability to be both a process and the result of the implementation of appropriate policies in the state. The potential for developing an effective long-term program for the development of society is revealed in the values that have a civic and political character. The need to remove from public discourse topics and discussions on ethnic and national values that lead to confrontation and division in Ukrainian society has been identified. Based on the values of the Ukrainian political (civil) nation, the policy of state consolidation is designed to complete the stage of self-identification of Ukrainian society and give civilizational and geopolitical subjectivity to the state of Ukraine.
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