Socio-engineering Potential of Sociology of Social Problems


  • M. V. Prymush Донецький національний університет імені Василя Стуса
  • V. V. Kryvoshein Дніпровський національний університет імені Олеся Гончара



social engineering; social problem; sociology of social problems; paradigm of research of social problems; new type of sociality


Modern social processes are accompanied by deepening social problems, dysfunction of the management system at the micro, macro and meso levels, encourage the scientific community to respond more quickly and comprehensively to societal challenges. These circumstances require the use of social engineering tools to solve pressing social problems.
The aim of the article is to reveal the socio-engineering potential of the sociology of social problems as a special sociological theory.
It is proved that in its applied intention the sociology of social problems coincides with the subject area of social engineering, which is considered as a type, direction of activity, the main purpose of which is to regulate social relations between different social groups, solve social problems, ensure effective implementation of social reserves etc. based on the application of results and recommendations of sociological research, development of social projects, social technologies. It is determined that within the framework of sociological analysis two paradigms of research of social problems were formed: objectivist (based on the ideas of positivism and functionalism) and subjectivist or interpretive (based on symbolic interactionism and constructionism), but at the present stage of sociology of social problems lost their significance. Therefore, today a new approach to the consideration of social problems is being formed, which is based on the postulates of the new sociality, taking into account "post-social" transformations. It was found that in solving current social problems it is advisable to use the whole arsenal of social engineering tools, understood from the theoretical and methodological point of view of the sociology of social problems.
It is noted that a promising direction for determining the socio-engineering potential of sociology of social problems is to adapt the provisions of sociological theories of social problems to changes that occur under the influence of the transformation of modern society – from industrial society through a transitional form of risk society to post-industrial (information) society.


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