The Institution of Monarchy as Guarantor of Transition to Democracy in Spain


  • O. P. Ivanytska Донецький національний університет імені Василя Стуса



monarchy; transition to democracy; Juan Carlos I; francoism; “bunker”; military coup


The article dwells on the role, place and significance of the institution of monarchy represented by the king Juan Carlos I in the transition of Spanish society from almost 40 years of authoritarian dictatorship of F.Franco to a democratic constitutional monarchy. The emphasis is placed on the fact that the model of Spanish transition to democracy is considered to be paradigmatic, and it has been tried and tested in a number of countries. The political, socio-economic, legal and regional prerequisites of the peaceful dismantlement of francoism have been studied. A particular focus has been put on the development of the personality of the Spanish monarch, Juan Carlos I, as a liberal, driving force and guarantor of democratic reforms, on h3is ability to select and keep within his orbit politicians and intellectuals, advocates for democratic change, and communicate with different sectors of the Spanish politics; on his political instinct, determination, consistency, responsibility and courage. The use of extensive factual material from the most recent Spanish sources justified the conclusion that the institution of monarchy restored in Spain in 1976 proved to be crucial for reconciliation of differently vectored political groups and parties, including communists and socialists. This was accomplished through negotiations and the signing of the pact of national unity (the Moncloa Pacts). The king acted as the initiator and guarantor of irreversible, peaceful and legal transition of Spain to democracy. The article highlights the decisive and exceptional role of Juan Carlos I in keeping down the military coup attempted with a view to eliminating democratic changes and returning the country to authoritarian rule, which occurred in February 1981. It led to the appearance and and spreading of the so-called Juancarlism (i.e. respect and admiration for the figure of the Spanish monarch) in the Spanish society. The article traces the evolution of the institution of monarchy in Spain: from absolute and authoritarian to constitutional, parliamentary and democratic. It emphasizes the progressive role of monarchical system in the current context.


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